In addition to her incredibly-time-consuming work as Publisher of Edible Austin (a position that has reaped so many benefits for us, since she's the most well-connected foodie person in this city!), she also hosts a monthly radio program called "Tap Roots" through the Heritage Radio Network. Every month she interviews different movers and shakers in the foodie world, particularly people involved in the locavore and sustainable food movement. You can listen to all the previous programs on the web site.
The last program aired April 5, and featured Marla's in-studio (meaning - from NYC!) interviews with Anna Lappe (author of "Diet for a Hot Planet") and Louisa Shafia of Lucid Food. They discussed ways to improve our food system and how eating responsibly can change the world.
"Tap Roots" is a great program for anyone interested in seasonal, local foods - and just check out the show's cute little turnip art (courtesy of cartoonist Sam Hurt)!