Monday, June 13, 2016

TOSMA, an organic farmers market

On Saturday we ventured into town to check out an organic farmers market called TOSMA that we'd heard about.
When we take this particular route, we pass a B&B that looks really lovely from the outside, Casa Puesta del Sol. I finally thought to check out their web site, and wow - it looks really amazing. Like to many buildings here, you have no idea how large a home or business is from looking at the outisde. This looks like a quaint little place, but the web site shows a much grander reality!
The market was wonderful - a little koo koo (it's obviously very popular) - but really lovely. We got fresh gorditas from this booth. They stuff the fresh gorditas with the fixins of your choice, then grill them for a couple of minutes. Yum.

It's a family affair!
Chloe with her cheese gordita and lemonade with chia seeds (I'll be honest - she was pretty lukewarm about both of them).
This booth - Cupcakes de Carla y Amigas - was extra special. The two gals on the left are students at EEESMA - Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende, which is the School for the Deaf. The woman on the right is their teacher. The gals started their own cupcake business. They were so darling. They had a six pack assorted mix of cupcakes - just perfect for Chloe's upcoming birthday!

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