Friday, June 01, 2007

Pete Jackson's Ultrawides

Pete Jackson is an LA photographer, originally from Ireland. I'd never seen his work until a recent show at the LA Center for Digital Art in Downtown LA, where they exhibited some of his "ultrawide" photos, which are just incredible!! Check out these two shots of downtown LA, taken from completely different points of view. Jackson shoots from atop LA's highest points, such as the hills in Griffith Park, to obtain really incredible vistas of the region. He digitally "stitches" together multiple images to create remarkable panoramas. PLUS he shoots in infrared, so the texture of the images and the amazing detail give them such life. The images perfectly capture the vastness of the LA basin, and even emphasize that there are actually several trees out there! They're really hypnotic and make great use of new digital photographic technologies.

These are all available in editions of 20, and are 90" wide.


Unknown said...

AMAZING! Those are stunning. Thanks for putting them up!

Have you ever seen Jeff Bridges' photos that he takes on his movie sets? He uses an old panoramic camera with black and white film. Pretty cool.

Not as cool as these, though. Wow!

gc said...

Oh my, oh my! I need to see these in person. They are stunning, indeed. Plus, I'm such a sucker for anything that shows the urban beauty of LA.